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미 네티즌 선정 '세상에서 가장 아름다운 곡' 49 - Willy Mason의 'Oxygen'

林 山 2019. 3. 15. 11:05

'Oxygen(옥시전) - 산소'는 미국의 싱어송라이터 Willy Mason(윌리 메이슨)이 2004년에 발표한 앨범 'Where the Humans Eat(훼어 더 휴먼즈 잇) - 인간이 먹는 곳'의 11번째 트랙 수록곡이다. 이 앨범의 'Oxygen'과 10번째 트랙 수록곡 'So Long(소 롱) - 안녕' 등 두 싱글은 영국 싱글 차트에 올랐고, 'Where the Humans Eat'은 2005년도 영국 앨범 차트 38위를 차지했다.

Willy Mason - Oxygen(Official video)

가사는 다분히 사회 참여적인 내용을 담고 있다. 누군가 숨을 쉴 수 있도록 산소가 되고 싶고, ADHD(주의력결핍 과잉행동장애)에 걸린 어린이를 위해 치료제 리탈린(Ritalin)이 되고 싶다. 우리가 정말 필요하지 않은 것이 많다는 사실을 안다면 훨씬 더 큰 마음의 부자로 살 수 있다. 미국은 모든 인종에게 정의롭고 평등한 나라가 되어야 한다. 미래가 어둡다는 것을 알지만, 어린이들에게 빛과 희망을 주어야 한다고 노래한다.

Willy Mason - Oxygen(Original version) with lyrics

Willy Mason - Oxygen(live)

오페라 소프라노 Renée Fleming(르네 플레밍)이 부른 'Oxygen' 버전도 있다. Renée Fleming이 부른 '옥시전'은 그녀의 2010년 앨범 'Dark Hope(다크 호프) -어두운 희망'의 세 번째 트랙에 실렸다. 

Renee Fleming - Oxygen(Dark Hope)

'Oxygen(옥시전) - 산소' 가사

I wanna be better than oxygen so you can breathe/When you're drowning and weak in the knees/I wanna speak louder than Ritalin for all the children/Who think that they've got a disease/I wanna be cooler than TV for all the kids that/Are wondering what they are goin' to be

We can be stronger than bombs if you're singin' along/And you know that you really believe/We can be richer than industry as long as we know/That there's things that we don't really need/We can speak louder than ignorance/'Cause we speak in silence every time our eyes meet

On and on and on it goes/The world it just keeps spinning/Until I'm dizzy, time to breathe/So close my eyes and start again anew

I wanna see through all the lies of society/To the reality, happiness is at stake/I wanna hold up my head with dignity/Proud of a life where to give means more than to take/I want to live beyond the modern mentality/Where paper is all that you're really taught to create

Do you remember the forgotten America/Justice, equality, freedom to every race/Just need to get past all the lies and hypocrisy/Make-up and hair to the truth behind every face/That look around to all the people you see/How many of them are happy and free?

I know it sounds like a dream but it's/The only thing that can get me to sleep at night/I know it's hard to believe but it's easy/To see that something here isn't right/I know the future looks dark but it's/There that the kids of today must carry the light

On and on and on it goes/The world it just keeps spinning/Until I'm dizzy, time to breathe/So close my eyes and start again anew

If I'm afraid to catch a dream, I weave your baskets/And I'll float them down the river stream/Each one I weave with words I speak/To carry love to your relief

I wanna be better than oxygen so you can breathe/When you're drowning and weak in the knees/I wanna speak louder than Ritalin for all the children/Who think that they've got a disease/I wanna be cooler than TV for all the kids that/Are wondering what they are goin' to be

We can be stronger than bombs if you're singin' along/And you know that you really believe/We can be richer than industry as long as we know/That there's things that we don't really need/We can speak louder than ignorance/'Cause we speak in silence every time our eyes meet

On and on and on it goes/The world it just keeps spinning/Until I'm dizzy, time to breathe/So close my eyes and start again anew

2019. 3. 15.